(Free Flip PDF) New Close Up – NGL

(Free Flip PDF) New Close Up – NGL

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“New Close Up: Exploring the World Through a Different Lens”

In a world filled with constant distractions and ever-evolving technology, finding moments of intimacy and connection can seem like an elusive dream. However, “New Close Up,” a captivating book published by NGL, invites readers to experience life through a different lens, allowing them to explore the world in a fresh and profound way.

NGL, a renowned publisher, has released this extraordinary book, designed to evoke a sense of wonder and curiosity. “New Close Up” takes readers on a mesmerizing journey into the heart of everyday moments, capturing the beauty and intricacies often overlooked in our fast-paced lives.

The book is a collection of striking photographs and insightful narratives, each carefully curated to celebrate the simplicity and complexity of the world around us. From the delicate petals of a blooming flower to the wrinkles on a wise old face, “New Close Up” encourages readers to pause, reflect, and appreciate the hidden treasures that surround us.

Through the lens of talented photographers and the words of insightful writers, “New Close Up” reminds us to slow down and see the world with fresh eyes. This book is not just a collection of images; it’s an invitation to find beauty in the ordinary and magic in the mundane. It’s a reminder that life’s most precious moments are often hidden in plain sight, waiting for us to discover them.

“New Close Up” is a masterpiece that renews our appreciation for the world around us. It’s a treasure trove of inspiration and a celebration of life’s intimate details. Published by NGL, this book is a must-have for anyone seeking to explore the world with a different lens and a renewed sense of wonder.

The “New Close-up 3rd Edition” by National Geographic Learning is a comprehensive educational resource designed for secondary and teenage learners, spanning 5 levels from high-beginning to upper intermediate. The course primarily utilizes British English and is structured to engage learners with dynamic photography, video, and real-world stories from National Geographic.

Key features of this edition include:

Authors: The series boasts experienced authors like Katherine Stannett from West Sussex, England, who has over two decades of experience in English language teaching material development; Ingrid Wisniewska, an Oxford University graduate with an MA in English language teaching and a PhD in language teacher education; Louisa Essenhigh and Jeremy Day.

Content and Design: The content of each unit has been extensively revised to be current and engaging, with a clear design for easy navigation. It includes updated exam tasks and tips, reflecting the Cambridge 2020 update for Key and Preliminary exams.

Focus on Life and Study Skills: The edition introduces ‘Live well, study well’ lessons focusing on essential life and study skills, encompassing topics like stress management, social media, and friendships. These lessons culminate in projects encouraging learner autonomy and teamwork.

Innovative Teaching Tools: The course includes the Spark platform for both students and teachers, offering tools like online practice, classroom presentation tools, a course gradebook, and an assessment suite.

Interactive and Engaging Materials: Students can access six new videos per book, chosen to expand their knowledge of the world and promote discussion. The book also includes mediation activities in line with CEFR benchmarks.

Comprehensive Syllabus: The four-skills syllabus actively develops students’ reading, listening, speaking, and writing abilities. It supports exam success through video models, language activities, and additional practice tasks.

Wellbeing Focus: The series places emphasis on social and emotional wellbeing, incorporating infographics and projects that promote group and independent work.

Overall, the “New Close-up 3rd Edition” is designed to prepare teenage learners for success in the classroom, in exams, and in life, bringing them closer to the world through engaging, globally relevant content and a robust set of educational tools and resources.


Who is suitable for ‘New Close-up 3rd Edition’?

The “New Close-up 3rd Edition” is specifically designed to cater to the following groups:

Secondary School and Teenage Learners: The course is tailored for students in secondary education, typically ranging in age from early teens to late teenage years. It is suitable for those at the high-beginning to upper-intermediate levels of English proficiency.

Students Preparing for International Exams: The material is particularly beneficial for students aiming to succeed in international English language examinations, as it includes updated exam tasks and tips reflecting the latest formats and requirements, such as those in the Cambridge Key and Preliminary exams.

Learners Interested in Global Perspectives: The course content, enriched with real-world stories and dynamic content from National Geographic, is ideal for students interested in expanding their understanding of global issues and diverse cultures.


Students Seeking to Develop Key Life Skills: Beyond language proficiency, the course also focuses on life and study skills essential for personal and academic success. This makes it suitable for learners who are not only interested in improving their English but also in developing competencies like stress management, effective use of social media, and building friendships.

Educators and Institutions Focusing on Holistic Education: The comprehensive nature of the course, including its focus on social and emotional wellbeing and mediation activities, makes it an excellent resource for educators and educational institutions that prioritize a well-rounded approach to language teaching.

Learners Who Benefit from Multimedia Learning: The inclusion of videos, interactive content, and the Spark platform support makes it suitable for students who engage better with multimedia learning tools and digital platforms.

In summary, “New Close-up 3rd Edition” is well-suited for a wide range of learners, particularly those in their teenage years, looking for a comprehensive, multimedia-rich, and globally-oriented English language learning experience.



The benefits of ‘New Close-up 3rd Edition’

The “New Close-up 3rd Edition” offers a range of benefits for both learners and educators in the field of English language learning:

Engaging and Relevant Content: With its use of dynamic photography, video, and real-world stories from National Geographic, the course captures the interest of learners. This engagement with high-quality, real-world content makes learning more interesting and relatable.

Comprehensive Language Skill Development: The course covers a broad spectrum of language skills – reading, writing, speaking, and listening – ensuring a balanced development of English proficiency. This comprehensive approach is crucial for mastering a language in all its aspects.

Alignment with International Exams: The material is updated to reflect the latest formats and requirements of key international exams, such as the Cambridge assessments. This makes it an ideal resource for students preparing for these exams.

Life and Study Skills Emphasis: “New Close-up” goes beyond language learning, incorporating lessons that focus on life and study skills. These skills are critical for teenagers in managing their academic and personal lives, and for their future careers.


Global Perspective and Cultural Awareness: By integrating content from National Geographic, the course exposes learners to a variety of cultures and global issues, fostering cultural awareness and a broader worldview.

Interactive and Multimedia Learning: The inclusion of videos and digital resources through the Spark platform enhances the learning experience, catering to different learning styles and keeping students engaged with interactive content.

Support for Teachers: The Spark platform offers a range of tools for teachers, including classroom presentation tools, an online practice and assessment suite, and a course gradebook, making lesson planning and student assessment more efficient.

Focus on Wellbeing: The series includes a unique focus on social and emotional wellbeing, recognizing the importance of these aspects in the overall development of students.

Flexibility and Adaptability: With its varied resources and levels, the course can be adapted to different classroom settings and learning paces, making it versatile for diverse educational needs.

Development of Critical Thinking and Autonomy: Through its project-based learning and discussion-oriented approach, the course encourages independent thought, critical thinking, and collaborative skills.

Overall, the “New Close-up 3rd Edition” provides a well-rounded, engaging, and effective approach to English language learning, addressing not just language proficiency but also essential academic and life skills.


Effective learning strategies for ‘New Close-up 3rd Edition’

Effective learning strategies for the “New Close-up 3rd Edition” can significantly enhance the learning experience and outcomes for students. Here are some strategies that can be particularly effective:

Active Engagement with Multimedia Content: Encourage students to actively engage with the videos and photography from National Geographic. This could involve discussions, critical thinking exercises, and projects based on the content, helping students to connect with the material on a deeper level.

Regular Practice of Language Skills: Utilize the comprehensive four-skills syllabus by regularly practicing reading, writing, speaking, and listening. This can be through classroom activities, homework assignments, or using the Spark platform for additional practice.

Incorporate Exam Preparation in Regular Study: Since the course aligns with international exams, integrate exam preparation into regular study routines. Practice exam-style questions, use tips provided in the course, and conduct mock exams to familiarize students with the exam format.

Utilize the ‘Live Well, Study Well’ Lessons: Make full use of the life and study skills sections. These lessons can be a springboard for discussions, projects, and activities that promote personal growth and wellbeing.

Group Projects and Teamwork: Encourage collaborative learning through group projects and teamwork. This not only helps with understanding the material but also develops essential teamwork and communication skills.

Interactive Learning with the Spark Platform: Leverage the Spark platform for interactive learning experiences. This includes using the online practice tools, assessment suite, and classroom presentation tools for a more engaging and varied learning experience.

Personalization of Learning: Allow students to explore topics of personal interest within the framework of the course. This personal connection can increase motivation and engagement.

Critical Thinking and Discussion: Promote critical thinking and discussion around the global topics and real-world stories presented in the course. This helps in developing analytical skills and a deeper understanding of the content.

Regular Feedback and Assessment: Use the course’s assessment tools to provide regular feedback to students. The course gradebook can be a useful tool for tracking progress and identifying areas needing improvement.

Integration of Technology: Encourage students to make use of digital resources and technology for learning. This could include research projects, digital presentations, and utilizing online resources for extended learning.

Cultural Awareness Activities: Since the course offers a global perspective, incorporate activities that promote cultural awareness and understanding, which can be beneficial in developing global citizenship skills.

Reflective Learning Practices: Encourage students to reflect on their learning process, what they have learned, and how they can apply it in real-life scenarios. This reflection can deepen learning and promote self-awareness.

By integrating these strategies, educators and learners can maximize the benefits of the “New Close-up 3rd Edition”, making the learning process more effective, engaging, and relevant to the students’ future academic and personal endeavors.



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